Sunday, December 14, 2014


Q. You advocate relationships that forgo punishments and rewards to choose empathy (compassion + understanding). But isn’t it our duty to teach our children moral values through deserved consequences?
A. At this time of human awakening, science reveals that we collectively participate in quantum communications. Brain-derived coercive manipulations engender power over another’s actions. Yet, the quantum exchanges of the heart empower relationships with the potential to flow together. While the first is dominating and even adversarial, the second engages heart to heart dialogue. This is a life-changing discovery if our intent is to reach beyond behaviors to motives.
Contrived consequences and rewards elicit socially acceptable behaviors motivated by emotions such as fear or greed. Yet, the child’s soul and its conduit the heart are deaf/mute to such compulsions. If the goal is soul-impelled ethics, the greatest need for discipline is the adult’s. This is the penultimate opportunity to practice union, yoga, or spiritual attunement. Penetrating self-reflection, insight, patience, trust and an ear to the heart’s voice assist the co-generation of a mutually beneficial flow. Heartfelt perceptions trigger telepathic rapport and intuited solutions. As we dismantle learned barriers to harmonious relationships, soul-satisfying powers bring conflict resolution and dissolve divisions between elder and child.
Animal behavior hints at the psychic attunement that is our natural state. The naturalist William J. Long observed this sixth sense to be even more useful to many animal species than their physical senses. Among wolves an awareness of pack members miles away repeatedly led a lone wounded wolf straight to the remains of their kill. Long frequently observed the power of telepathy in mother/offspring relationships. So mutually attuned is the canine mother and her pups that the lift of her head and a silent stare brings a wandering pup to her side. Without ever uttering a warning growl, a vixen manages her pups, which romp for hours near their mother. At the time of her evening hunt she simply stands motionless without a sound. The pups cease their play and gather around her, before retreating to the den for safety. Similar instances of silent, instant communications, unimpeded by distance, abound among species from felines, to birds, to elephants and whales.
The human child’s agitated behavior is a cry for respect for his feelings and needs in a world that persistently calls our attention elsewhere. By including the child’s world in our own, even as chores, schedules and meetings beckon, we can develop an intuitive, heart to heart, rapport. The brain, as the telepathic receptor, decodes what the heart intuits. This heart/brain insight helps us anticipate potential upsets. With intuitive grace we replace knee-jerk reactions with mindful responses to promote harmonious flow. 
The self-discipline of forgoing emotionally charged reactions to choose heart-infused responses reverberates beyond the lives of current participants. Thanks to our efforts to achieve this Living Union, future generations will more easily master the heart/mind’s intuitive/telepathic rapport. This has astounding implications for gathering momentum to reach beyond individuals and empower Nations as well.

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