Thursday, November 13, 2014


Q. You emphasize nature as though it offered a panacea for childhood disorders. Yet, millions of people thrive in cities, enjoying the charged energy and cultural offerings such as museums, opera, ballet and concerts. Are we not simply following an evolutionary imperative in which human ingenuity designs its own complex habitats including man-made mountains and canyons?

A. The very heart and soul of humanity is embedded in the legacy of genius in the arts, philosophy and science.  Yet rampant signs of ill-health of the planet, including children, reveal the formulations of the sorcerer’s apprentice have run amuck.
    The answer to the riddle, “Which came first: the flower or the bee?” hints at the secret of restoration of health of the planet and our children. New scientific revelations about the co-evolution of wholes and parts, for example biomes and their flora and fauna, shed light on this dilemma.
    While brain matter of the current paradigm builds linearly and competitively, Nature Consciousness conceives blueprints for energetic reciprocity.  In biomes interspecies resonances encourage co-involvement. For example, the mutualism of two separate kingdoms, the flowers and bees, reveals the influence of the Heart of Nature. Nectar for honey, hairy bee legs to transport pollen—for one to have evolved ahead of the other is not logical. Comprehensive Intelligence choreographs the energetic dance between the bee and the flower. The perfumed essence that beckons the bee, and the honey that feeds its offspring evidence the conception and birthing of a garden of mutual delight.
    In much of the human kingdom the Mother’s influence has been shunted aside for empire building, factory fumes, and academic institutions alike.  Yet, her return is imminent, for the Mother must respond to the cry of feverish children for her touch. Gathering her lost children, her enigmatic reply to, “Which came first?” might be, “Neither.”
    As heirs to Eden’s gardens, our children benefit at all levels from a cross-kingdom energetic reciprocity. We might see them as pollen-carriers themselves, their generative genius, analogous to honey production for subsequent seekers of wild flower nectar.

    Informed by the Mother essence at the Heart of Nature, each cultural architect is also a cultural choreographer, dancing instructions for the nourishment of present and future generations.

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