Wednesday, November 5, 2014



High Intelligence eludes a linear destination. Its multifaceted and multidimensional radiance is represented more accurately by the spiralic growth of the nautilus shell than the straight line of a train track. 
The Basics Before Application Theory is an artifact of the Age of Compartmentalized, Linear Thinking. It imposes a one-dimensional regime (academic), with two-dimensional application (worksheets and written tests) on multifaceted, multidimensional beings (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). The scores we anxiously watch measure intellect that is a mere sliver of whole-brain intelligence. The rigid segments of linear thinking force children along a ponderous track, in a system that applauds mileage through lifeless terrain. Tragically, its regimented strictures suppress nature’s design for exponential growth—not only in its recognized casualties, but also in its smiled-upon successes.
Scientific understanding of the heart/brain system is rapidly dismantling this limited and limiting paradigm. The rich complexity of connections in the heart/brain system accounts for genius. Only contextual learning decreed by Mother Nature for the Child Nature interweaves physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strands.
Linear counting and schooling proceed like this:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.
Nature designs oak trees, roses, nautilus shells and child intelligence to unfold by exponential growth closer to the Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.
The formula is simple. Its extrapolations, breathtaking! Contextual learning, which fosters true brilliance, occurs in the context of attractive relationships (with nature, other humans and individual proclivities). Natural learning (in accord with the child nature) offers positive feeling tones (enthusiasm, high interest, enjoyment) in conjunction with experience (large and small motor child conquests) and imagination (idea generation for innovation and creative expression). These are the key ingredients for a whole child, high intelligence quotient. 

Nature’s elegant signature endows her products with surpassing beauty.

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